You can set this to all users if you’d like, but it’s somewhat riskier.

By default, only Administrators will be able to access the Mac via SSH and SFTP. Here, simply check the box next to Remote Login. To set this up, open the System Preferences, then go to the Sharing Menu. If you’d like to access your Mac from a terminal, you can also enable SSH access. If you only want to log in from Windows or Linux, you can enable VNC login via the Screen Sharing setting in the left menu instead. If you also want to be able to log in from Windows or Linux, click on Computer Settings in this menu, then enable “VNC viewers may control screen with password” and enter a password. Below, enable the permissions you want to have when logging in remotely. In the menu on the left, enable “Remote Management.” Here, select Observe, then select Control as well. Open System Preferences, then find the Sharing settings menu. If you’re logging in from another Mac, you’ll want to enable “Remote Management.” There are a few different ways that you can log into your Mac remotely, and they’re enabled in different ways. For security reasons, this is disabled by default. To log in and control your Mac remotely, first you’ll need to set it up so that this can be done. There are many different ways to do this, but we’re going to look at a few of the easier ways. Stoddard Hall | Northampton, MA 01063 | or not, there are still times you want to access your Mac remotely. When the tech no longer needs remote access to your computer, you can come back to the Computer Settings window and un-check Anyone may request permission to control screen.Once the tech has setup their Screen Sharing client with your IP address, you will see the following Control Request window on your screen.Notice the text "Other users can manage your computer using the address." Copy the IP address () and give it to the tech who will be logging into your computer.Put a check-mark next to Anyone may request permission to control screen.Select Remote Management if it is not already selected.Click on the Apple Menu to open System Preferences.The staff member can see what's on your sceen and control the mouse.Įnable Screen Sharing and Remote Management Mac OS X Screen Sharing allows a staff member (with permission) to manage your computer from another location. Screen Sharing and Remote Management for Mac OS X